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From a social entrepreneur’s desk:

Our suffering patients need more care and more human touch, our rush to create wealth is consuming humanity,we need more responsible medication and more human touch in healthcare. This has led us to pursue our journey of ‘social entrepreneurship’ in healthcare. We at Swati Spentose are the new age entrepreneurs who are committed to                                 ‘being the change we want to see’.

We are the first private Indian company to lead a dedicated initiative on a neglected disease like IC and soon on Varicose Veins, hemorrhoids & diabetic nephropathy. More than 300 patients in 64 cities through 74 doctors share a feeling of deep JOY & Satisfaction, for what our initiatives of last 5 years have achieved, at a cost of more than 5 Crore invested accords the scientific platform

We are committed to the awareness and management of this neglected disease IC. We The history of IC dates back to the 18th century: welcome doctors, patients, NGO’s, individuals and anyone who is willing and committed to making the life of suffering patients comfortable and help them live a normal life.


Chronic vs Curable :

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 JULY 15,2011

People with Overactive Bladder Syndrome are plagued with frequent urination. However, although both conditions will cause someone to take extra trips to the bathroom, the two conditions are very different...READ MORE

IC/PBS Society, Goa, India :

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 JULY 15,2011

IC/PBS Society was established by Swati Spentose Pvt. Ltd in a meeting held in Goa, India on the 20th and 21st of June, 2009. the meeting witnessed leading experts from all across the nation. The main objective of the meeting was to establish....READ MORE

The history of IC dates back to the 18th century:

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 JULY 01,2011

The history of IC dates back to the 18th century. Even after 400 years of research, the etiology of IC remains obscure. Although the first case of IC was registered in the mid 1800’s, it wasn’t until 1987 that the US National Institute of Health (NIH)…...READ MORE

How to address the symptoms of IC:

VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 JULY 01,2011

The symptoms of IC vary from person to person and even in the same person. IC and pain go hand-in-hand. Because IC varies so much in symptoms, it has been suggested that rather than being…READ MORE