
trial impact

Update in IC

Guidelines for Diagnosis of IC

Guidelines for the diagnosis of interstitial syndrome 2007 are available at

A summary of the guidelines with respect to the evaluation and diagnostic methods adopted in patients with IC are summarised in the following table. 1

Urniary Tract

Clinical Markers for IC

Markers reflect the effects of the underlying disease process. They enable an early identification, early intervention and delay in progression of the disease. They could be beneficial in differentiating IC from other diseases with overlapping symptoms.


Proteoglycans are important markers in the pathogenesis of IC. They serve as receptors for bacterial attachment and also play a role in the regulation of cell growth. The glycoprotein GP-51, which is found on the transitional epithelium of the urinary bladder, inhibits binding by a variety of bacteria. The mean urine levels of GP-51 in IC patients are found to be lower as compared with controls. Bladder biopsies also show a decreased staining for GP-51 in patients with IC.

Antiproliferative Factor

Antiproliferative activity is present more significantly in patient with IC. These inhibit primary bladder epithelial cell proliferation. In addition, urine of patients with IC shows a decrease in the levels of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EBF) and an increase in epidermal growth factor. 2, 3

  1. Carr LK, Corocs J, Njckel C, Teichman J. Diagnosis of Intersitial cystitis June 2007. Can Urol Assoc J. 2009;3(1):81-86.
  2. Hanno PM. Interstitial cystitis - Epidemiology, Diagnostic criteria, Clinical Markers. Rev Urol. 2002;4(1):S3-S8.
  3. Hurst RE, Moldwin RM, Mulholland SG. Bladder defense molecules, urothelial differentiation, urinary biomarkers, and interstitial cystitis. Urology. 2007;69(4A):17-23.