It is associated with crampy abdominal pain relieved after bowel movements and recurring
episodes of loose motion/constipation.
Rheumatoid arthritis
This is an autoimmune condition in which the body attacks its own issues. The cartilage
covering the ends of the bone is damaged, causing pain, stiffness and swelling of
the joints.
It is an inflammatory/allergic condition that involves narrowing of the airways
in lungs. Shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, cough and the whistling sound
on breathing are the common symptoms.
In this condition patient complains of excessive fatigue and muscle pain. Soreness
on touching the muscles is often observed.
Systemic lupus erythrematosis
This is an autoimmune condition, with damage to cartilage, tendons and other major
organs such as lungs, heart, kidneys, brain and skin.1
Impact of IC on Your Life
You want to watch your favourite movie at a cinema hall. However, you cannot enjoy
the movie, as you are forced to visit the toilet frequently. This is a reality faced
by patients with IC. The frequent use of toilet leads to many embarrassing situations
when visiting friends and family as well. In due course, these patients are forced
to change their own lifestyle.
People refuse to go out, eventually getting confined to their homes. IC has a great
impact on all aspects of your life, be it social, domestic, physical or sexual life.
Sleep deprivation
The need to get up at night frequently can have detrimental effects on the person
both physically and mentally. Lack of sleep may result in health deterioration and
poor performance at work.
Family life
Constant trips to the toilet, improper sleep, coping with pain all these add on
to the existing stress from IC. The inability to carry out daily chores and look
after the family will generate a sense of guilt in the person. Sometimes it becomes
difficult to make family members understand all the troubles, as there is nothing
visibly wrong.
Sexual life
There can be a significant impact on the sexual intercourse. It may become painful
for people of both sexes. Women suffer from vaginal pain during intercourse, while
for men pain occurs during ejaculation. This will affect the existing quality of
life between the partners.
Despite visiting a number of doctors, sometimes patients are given either no diagnosis
or diagnosis such as ‘it’s all in the mind’. The long history
of pain and frequency of urination may lead to extreme frustration.
Hence, it is important for the patients and their families to be well informed about
the process of coping with IC. Patients must discuss with their partners and evolve
solutions together. A big step forward will be patient to patient counselling and
help from patient support groups.1