trial impact


Why Has Your Doctor Prescribed Comfora?

Comfora (PPS) is effective in improving the symptoms of patients suffering from IC and provides relief from pain and discomfort. This is the only FDA-approved drug taken orally for bladder pain and discomfort. The usual dosage is 100-mg capsules thrice daily.

How Does Comfora Help in IC?

The exact mechanism of function of Comfora is not clearly understood. There are several proposed theories by which Comfora is thought to function. It is believed that the drug could repair and heal the damaged parts of the GAG layer in the bladder (Figure 4).

Comfora does not cure IC completely; however, it may help in relief of symptoms such as bladder pain, discomfort and urgency in urination.

GAG layer in the bladder

How Long should I Take Comfora?

Several studies have shown that a minimum duration of 3 to 6 months is necessary to provide moderate symptom relief. Therefore, doctors must encourage the patients to continue the medications for adequate period of time.


The safety of the drug in children and adolescents below the age of 18 years has not yet been established.

Very mild adverse events were noted, such as nausea, loss of hair, rashes, headaches and loose motion. Comfora must be administered with caution in patients with bleeding disorders, liver and spleen insufficiencies. Hence, it is very important to inform your doctor about all the previous ailments, and previous and current medications.1,2

  1. Anderson VR, Perry CM. Pentosan polysulfate: a review of its use in the relief of bladder pain or discomfort in interstitial cystitis. Adis Drug Evaluation. Drugs. 2006;66(6):821-835.
  2. Meijlik JM. Interstitial cystitis, diagnosis and treatment - an overview. International Painful Bladder Foundation. Available at: